It all began when the Lord whispered the word "Upperroom" into my heart at the beginning of the year. At first, I couldn't fully grasp its meaning, but I knew it was something significant & something I needed to dig deeper in.

As 2023 went on it's merry way, I felt a compelling pull from God to draw nearer to Him, to enter into a deeper dwelling place - "The Upperroom". Through moments of prayer, worship and praise, I learned invaluable lessons on discernment and the incredible power of connecting with God's presence.


The "Upperroom" taught me that when we allow ourselves to go deeper, our spirits find the space to connect with God in ways we never thought possible, unburdened by the distractions of everyday life.

I knew there was something more in God speaking the word "Upperroom" so I sought the Lord's guidance for the direction of my clothing brand, MLC Apparel. In response, He revealed the word "Ruah" to me. It was a word filled with profound meaning - wind, breath, and spirit - often accompanied by "Elohim," which means God.

"Ruah Elohim; The Spirit of God."

Ruah symbolized the essence of what I had experienced in the "Upperroom" - a divine connection with God, where His breath flowed through every aspect of life, just like the wind. The purpose of my brand became clear: to inspire others to find their own sacred space, their own "Upperroom," where they too could experience the transformative power of God's spirit.

And so, with faith, Ruah Apparel Co. came to life. Each garment I design carries the essence of Ruah Elohim, a gentle reminder of our beautiful creator & his amazing Holy Spirit which is so readily available to us.

Our Logo

Ruah Apparel Co. is more than just clothing; it's a vessel of spiritual connection, a beacon of God's love and presence, a brand who desires to see the everyday Christian clothed & empowered through God's word.

Your Story

We love to hear about the conversations that our apparel sparks between friends and strangers. Share a conversation of faith you've had with someone OR the personal impact that Ruah has had on your journey with God.